Blogul conţine informaţii referitoare la revistele străine care acceptă să publice creaţii ale poeţilor români. Sunt prezentate reviste care publică haiku, senryu, tanka, kyoka, haibun, tanka proză, renku, poeme în lanţ, haiga, eseuri şi articole referitoare la aceste specii literare de sorginte japoneză. Atunci când primesc anunţuri referitoare la conţinutul unui număr de revistă, postez informaţia. Unele reviste au date fixe de primire a textelor şi am specificat acest lucru în prezentarea făcută.

luni, 24 martie 2014

brass bell: a haiku journal

Welcome to brass bell: a haiku journal.

I'm collecting haiku for the April (premier) issue of this online publication.

Each monthly issue will be devoted to a different theme. April's theme is rain.

This is an invitation to submit as many poems as you wish, by 5 p.m. on Monday March 31. I will choose what I like best. 

Paste your haiku in the body of an email (no attachments) and send to:

Be sure to include your name exactly as you wish it to appear.

It's fine to send previously published poems.

Note: I prefer haiku that is 17 syllables or fewer; I am not  attached to the 5/7/5 format but if you are, that's okay.

Please share this invitation with others if you think they might be interested ... I would love to receive rain haiku from people I don't yet know.


If you are not already familiar with haiku I suggest you read any haiku collection or journal, in print or online, and visit this wonderful site (be sure to go back into the archives, too):