Blogul conţine informaţii referitoare la revistele străine care acceptă să publice creaţii ale poeţilor români. Sunt prezentate reviste care publică haiku, senryu, tanka, kyoka, haibun, tanka proză, renku, poeme în lanţ, haiga, eseuri şi articole referitoare la aceste specii literare de sorginte japoneză. Atunci când primesc anunţuri referitoare la conţinutul unui număr de revistă, postez informaţia. Unele reviste au date fixe de primire a textelor şi am specificat acest lucru în prezentarea făcută.

miercuri, 15 ianuarie 2020

Appel à textes pour un projet d’ouvrage : « Haïkus et tankas sur les animaux ».

Les éditions Pippa envisagent la publication, en 2020, d’une anthologie de haïkus et de tankas dédiés aux animaux.

Collectif dirigé par Georges Chapouthier

À paraître chez PIPPA éditions, Paris

Date limite d’envoi: 30 avril 2020

Mois probable de parution : septembre/octobre2020

Une seule adresse courriel :

Attention ! Une seule adresse d'envoi. Ne pas envoyer vos textes directement aux éditions Pippa. Soumettre dans le corps du courriel, entre 5 et 7 haïkus ou tankas.

Thème : Les animaux sous toutes leurs facettes, non seulement les animaux domestiques ou de compagnie, mais aussi les animaux sauvages, exotiques, inattendus, voire peu plaisants.
Signature sous chaque poème : Prénom Patronyme, Pays

Critères de sélection :
Les poèmes, non titrés, ne peuvent pas être dédicacés individuellement et nominativement, ni faire l’objet de notes de bas de page, sauf exception. Les textes peuvent être métrés ou non. Le jury apportera une attention particulière à la facture des textes non métrés, qui ne peuvent se limiter à une seule phrase dépliée en trois ou cinq versets. Minimum de ponctuation et de majuscules sauf pour un nom propre.

Les textes doivent impérativement être libres de droit. Les inédits sont donc préférables, sauf pour des textes dont l’auteur/autrice possède les droits et qui, sur le plan juridique, peuvent cités, comme des inédits, sans référence à une publication antérieure. L’auteur/autrice engage sa responsabilité sur ce point en cas de litige avec un éditeur antérieur.

Conditions de participation :
Pour gagner du temps et éviter de multiples allers-retours, l’auteur/l’autrice accepte les conditions suivantes : l’envoi de ses textes vaut autorisation de publication sans contrepartie * et garantie que l’auteur/autrice possède les droits des poèmes. Tout envoi est définitif et aucune modification ne pourra être apportée par la suite. Les choix du jury sont sans appel.

*Les auteurs/autrices ne seront pas rétribués, mais auront la possibilité d’acheter trois exemplaires du livre pour le prix de deux.

Nous invitons tous les auteurs et autrices qui le souhaitent à participer et à transmettre cette annonce à leurs amis poètes.

Le coordonnateur préviendra les auteurs/autrices de ses choix au printemps 2020.

duminică, 29 octombrie 2017

Revista Ploc!

Toujours en cours :

Date limite de participation Thème Publication
12 novembre 2017 Message de Sam Cannarozzi :
Thème :
"On ne peut admirer en même temps la lune, la neige et les fleurs."
envoyer à : sam CHEZ
Parution prévue fin décembre 2017

duminică, 1 octombrie 2017

Invitaţie de participare la blogul Luciei Fontana - Chanokeburi


The topic for issue 3 of Incense Dreams is “Shadow and Light”. We look forward to the many interesting haiku/senryu You are going to send to the following address
Thanks in advance for taking part in the project.
Here below the guideline to submit your best works
Il tema del secondo numero della rivista Incense Dreams è  “Ombra e Luce”.
Restiamo in attesa di molti haiku e senryū interessanti che potete spedire al seguente indirizzo :
Grazie in anticipo di voler prendere parte al progetto.

Qui di seguito le linee guida per mandare i vostri migliori lavori
Submission Guidelines:
1) The theme in this issue is “Shadow and Light”, if you would like to be the featured artist send in at least 10 of your drawings, paintings, or photographs pertaining to the topic and add your biography.
2) Please include in the body of your email your Name/Country, and additionally your Twitter Handle or Personal Blog URL if you would like it to appear with your work. Also include your email address in the body of the email.
3) Submit up to 10 Haiku/Senryu, 3 Tanka, 3 Haibun, 1 Sequence/Renku
4) Send us your unpublished poems, although, poems featured on social media sites such as twitter and personal blogs will be accepted.
5) The submission period begins with the release of each issue and remains open for a month.
6) Incense Dreams next issue will appear on the  Winter Solstice, December 21, 2017. The other issues will appear on the the Spring Equinox March 21 2018 and the Summer Sostice June 21 2018.
7) The copyright of work published in Incense Dreams remains with the author, although, our journal reserves the right to feature the work we publish in any future journals, anthologies, online or in print. Authors should credit Incense Dreams as first publisher with the use of any poem featured here first.
8) Thank you, Thank you for submitting your work and sharing the passion of this lovely poetic form. May you always be inspired, and may we always be there to read it!
The theme for the upcoming September issue is “Shadow and Light”. The deadline is October 31
Linee guida per la presentazione:
1) Il tema in questo numero è “Ombra e Luce”, se si desidera essere l’artista in questione inviare almeno 10 dei tuoi disegni, dipinti o fotografie che riguardano l’argomento ed aggiungere una biografia.
2) Inserisci nel corpo dell’email il tuo Nome / Paese e, inoltre, il tuo URL di Twitter o URL personale se vuoi che venga visualizzato con il tuo lavoro. Includi anche il tuo indirizzo email nel corpo dell’email.
3) Invio fino a 10 Haiku / Senryu, 3 Tanka, 3 Haibun, 1 Sequenza / Renku
4) Inviaci le tue poesie inedite, anche se saranno accettate poesie su siti di social media come twitter e blog personali.
5) Il periodo di invio dei poemi inizia con la pubblicazione di ciascun giornale e rimane aperta per un mese.
6) Il prossimo numero di sogni di incenso apparirà all’equinozio d’autunno, 21 settembre 2017. Gli altri numeri verranno visualizzati nel solstizio d’inverno 21 dicembre 2017, poi all’equinozio di primavera del 21 marzo 2018 infine nel solstizio d’estate 21 giugno 2018 con riposo fino al successivo equinozio d’autùnno.
7) Il copyright sul lavoro pubblicato in Incense Dreams rimane con l’autore, anche se la nostra rivista si riserva il diritto di presentare il lavoro che pubblichiamo in qualsiasi rivista futuro, antologie, online o in stampa. Gli autori dovrebbero accreditare Incense Dreams come primo editore con l’uso di ogni poema qui descritto in primo luogo.
8) Grazie, grazie per aver presentato il tuo lavoro e condividendo la passione di questa bella forma poetica. Puoi sempre essere ispirato e possiamo sempre essere lì per leggerlo!
Il tema per la prossima edizione di dicembre è “Ombra e Luce”. Il termine è il 31 ottobre.

duminică, 1 martie 2015

A Hundred Gourds

The seasons roll around. Today, the first of March, Australia and New Zealand welcome our first day of Autumn whilst those of you in the Northern Hemisphere are anticipating Spring’s arrival. Wherever you are in the world, the 14th issue of A Hundred Gourds, a quarterly journal of haiku, haibun, haiga, tanka and renku poetry is now online for your reading pleasure.

AHG 4.2 Feature –The Seabeck Haiku Getaway: an interview with Michael Dylan Welch
 Aubrie Cox, our haiga editor, was on the spot for the annual Seabeck Haiku Getaway,  which is held in the beautiful, historical mill town of Seabeck in Washington, USA, close to the Canadian border.  Aubrie has conducted an in- depth interview on the subject of this enviable retreat with the founder and organiser, Michael Dylan Welch.  

Expositions Section
Due to the unexpected departure of Matthew Paul as Expositions editor last year, A Hundred Gourds will be looking for a suitable editor for our Expositions section in 2015. Please direct any inquiries regarding the Expositions section and submit reviews, essays or commentaries for 2015 issues of AHG to me, Lorin, until further notice.
In this issue, Michael Dylan Welch explores the use of haiku in David Patneaude’s young-adult novel, Thin Wood Walls, Jim Sullivan comments on two ‘bee’ haiku and Cynthia Rowe and Ray Rasmussen review recently published haiku books.

Submissions Deadline

The deadline for all submissions to AHG 4.3 (the June 2015 issue) is March 15th. AHG has an open submissions policy: any submissions received after the deadline will be filed for consideration for the September 2015 issue. Please check our submissions page for details and editors’ guidelines.

Please take the time to read the AHG submissions page, including the editors’ individual comments, and ensure that your submission complies with all requirements.

WILD PLUM – a haiku journal

Submissions for the Fall & Winter Issue are now open! We are awaiting your haiku

A call for haiga submissions!
We would like to feature some haiga in our e-book anthology. Your support will be greatly appreciated. Please submit up to ten works at with “Haiga” in the subject area. They may be prevoiusly published but be sure to give us the publisher’s credits. 

Deadline is September 1st.

All works herein are the property of the authors. No work may be republished or used in any way without their explicit permission.