Blogul conţine informaţii referitoare la revistele străine care acceptă să publice creaţii ale poeţilor români. Sunt prezentate reviste care publică haiku, senryu, tanka, kyoka, haibun, tanka proză, renku, poeme în lanţ, haiga, eseuri şi articole referitoare la aceste specii literare de sorginte japoneză. Atunci când primesc anunţuri referitoare la conţinutul unui număr de revistă, postez informaţia. Unele reviste au date fixe de primire a textelor şi am specificat acest lucru în prezentarea făcută.

duminică, 1 martie 2015

A Hundred Gourds

The seasons roll around. Today, the first of March, Australia and New Zealand welcome our first day of Autumn whilst those of you in the Northern Hemisphere are anticipating Spring’s arrival. Wherever you are in the world, the 14th issue of A Hundred Gourds, a quarterly journal of haiku, haibun, haiga, tanka and renku poetry is now online for your reading pleasure.

AHG 4.2 Feature –The Seabeck Haiku Getaway: an interview with Michael Dylan Welch
 Aubrie Cox, our haiga editor, was on the spot for the annual Seabeck Haiku Getaway,  which is held in the beautiful, historical mill town of Seabeck in Washington, USA, close to the Canadian border.  Aubrie has conducted an in- depth interview on the subject of this enviable retreat with the founder and organiser, Michael Dylan Welch.  

Expositions Section
Due to the unexpected departure of Matthew Paul as Expositions editor last year, A Hundred Gourds will be looking for a suitable editor for our Expositions section in 2015. Please direct any inquiries regarding the Expositions section and submit reviews, essays or commentaries for 2015 issues of AHG to me, Lorin, until further notice.
In this issue, Michael Dylan Welch explores the use of haiku in David Patneaude’s young-adult novel, Thin Wood Walls, Jim Sullivan comments on two ‘bee’ haiku and Cynthia Rowe and Ray Rasmussen review recently published haiku books.

Submissions Deadline

The deadline for all submissions to AHG 4.3 (the June 2015 issue) is March 15th. AHG has an open submissions policy: any submissions received after the deadline will be filed for consideration for the September 2015 issue. Please check our submissions page for details and editors’ guidelines.

Please take the time to read the AHG submissions page, including the editors’ individual comments, and ensure that your submission complies with all requirements.

WILD PLUM – a haiku journal

Submissions for the Fall & Winter Issue are now open! We are awaiting your haiku

A call for haiga submissions!
We would like to feature some haiga in our e-book anthology. Your support will be greatly appreciated. Please submit up to ten works at with “Haiga” in the subject area. They may be prevoiusly published but be sure to give us the publisher’s credits. 

Deadline is September 1st.

All works herein are the property of the authors. No work may be republished or used in any way without their explicit permission.

duminică, 1 februarie 2015

Revista de Senryu si Kyoka in Rusia

We consider new unpublished senryu and kyoka that have not appeared on public internet forums, open internet groups or communities. Poems that have been previously self-published on personal internet sites, personal blogs and pages or in closed internet groups are most welcome.

We consider submissions in Russian, Ukrainian, English, German, Italian, French, Japanese, Elvish and Klingon.

The magazine is published quarterly in Russian and a special issue in English is published annually.

Please submit your works (up to 10 at a time) in the body of an e-mail to

Deadline: Mars, 1.